WWI British Stanhope / Pencil .303 Case of Memory of Hastings
Souvenir from France using an original WWI bull et drilled to fit a small glass lens showing Memory of Hastings. This particular specimen is made using a 1915 dated 303 bullet casing which is marked VII K15. The embedded “Stanhope” lens (an extremely small glass bead with black and white photographic images) shows memories of Hastings which features On The Beach, The Pier, Fairlight Glen, The Albert Memorial The Gateway Battle Abbey, & The Lovers Seat. Made in France.
Stanhopes or Stanho-scopes are optical devices that enable the viewing of microphotographs. A Stanhope lens is a simple, one-piece microscope invented by Charles, the third Earl of Stanhope. It is a cylinder of glass with each end curved outwards, one being more convex than the other. Because its construction is simple and economical, it was popular in the 19th century.